Saturday, November 3, 2007


The Gryphon is a mythical creature that has wings, head of an eagle and a body of a lion. A Gryphon is one of the most noblest of all beast. It soars through the air. The Gryphon's egg only lay once in a 3000 years. After it hatches it's mother will swallow the baby, and the baby will stay in it's mother's belly for a week or two. It's cousin the Hippogrif is similar with regular Gryphon except it has back legs of a horse. Gryphons belong to one species called Raptopantthera gryphons. A Gryphon is a fierce looking creature it is 66cm higher then a horse. It's long ears, sharp eyes and strong beaks make them look fierce.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Sunday, July 1, 2007


My first day was really scary I didn't know how was everybody and I didn't had any friends nor I didn't know what to do in the subject and I was nervous. A week after that I get along in the subjects. I was in preschool that time. Then a week later I had friends. Every lunch I just sit down and do nothing but my friends showed me the playground so I can Play. This is the logo:

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Earthquakes are ground shaking really hard and it creates a seismic waves which is the earth's crust is shaking really hard which is the same like Earthquakes. In 2004 the earthquake in Indian ocean causing a Tsunami. An Earthquake can cause buildings to collapse and the dirt can causes disease. Earthquakes can cause electricity wire to broke down and may cause fires with the spark.

Monday, June 25, 2007


The Volcano's Lava came from magma from the Earth's crust. The magma is from a really hot Rock and melted into magma. When the magma come to the Volcano it turns into lava that is cooler then magma. There are another volcano called supervolcano. It is a larger, bigger and more dangerous size and eruption. After volcano erupted it's lava turn into volcanic ash before it turn to obsidian. The volcanic ash is about less then 2mm. But the volcanic ash can make people really sick like Asthma or Emphysema. The Volcanic Ash and Gas is mixed became a volcanic plume which is the volcanic hot spot. Volcano eruption are one of the natural disasters that can be predicted like Tsunami. It uses scientific resources for predicting volcano eruption. There are volcano's that are extinct but it doesn't mean that it won't erupt again it is just resting like people.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

computer reflection - Graffiti - Graffiti Creator
I got the some skill to use the mac computer.

I have done a power point, typing pal 3.0, comic, news paper and the last part is Mind Map.
The power point is about communication.
Typing pal 3.0 is a practice for typing.
Comic is is making a comic called the break-up/make-up.
The the news paper is about technology.
The mind map is about light and sound.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Online flipbook


I am Arvid. I am the Head Of Sales . Natasha is the sales department. We made the stock card and put the prise tag on the jewerly.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Math Game

The math game was pretty exiting and I learned more. But sadly

I couldn't do some of the questions. I don't know why I couldn't open the folder yester day. I am sure I am ready on Monday

Monday, May 28, 2007

Game in

The game in, is kind of boring because I think that is a quiz and I don't realy like the quetion games i like the adventure game. But I learned some new things like we can hear sound frome one room to another.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Kalimat S-P-O-K

1. Hari ini kami bermain drama di sekolah.2. Anna menjahit baju dengan baik.3. Tanaman itu tumbuh dengan subur di tamanku.4. Petani membajak sawah di pagi hari.5. Ibu memarahi Dodi karena kenakalannya.6. Gigi Dodi dicabut oleh dokter kemarin.7. Dodi membawa tasnya ke dalam kamar.8. Andika merawat kucing peliharaannya dengan penuh kasih.9. Dani mendengarkan nasihat dokter itu dengan sungguh-sungguh.10. Sang majikan selalu memperlakukan mereka dengan kejam.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Today is Book Week. I be Hansel, from Hansel & Gretel.
I didn't win anything but I do my best. I wore the olden day clothes.

There was a story teller, and the story is Franklin and his Room.
There was a character parade.
Gr. 4-6 tell stories to us.
My favorite one is Randy's

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I am Hansel.
I am 10 years old.
I am very poor.
I escape from the deep scary & creepy forest.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Indonesian traditional Instrument


Datang dari Jawa Barat dan cara memainkan nya adalah dengan memegang dengan tangan kiri dan mengoyangkan dengan tangan kana.


datan dari Jawa Tengah cara memainkan nya dengan cara dipukul.

Gamelan Bebonang:
Datang dari Bali cara memainkan nya dengan cara memukulnya.

Datang dari Bali cara memainkan nya dengan cara dipukul.

Gamelan Slendro:

Datan Dari Sunda cara memain nya dengan cara dipukul.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Meassuring The Blue Court

To find the area of the Blue Court, find the lenghth of the court with 1M2. Then find the wighth with 1M2. Then you times them.

I was Caring when I wasn't angry t my friend.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Suara Binatang

Anjing meng gong-gong.
Kucing meng eong.
Tikus meng cit-cit.
Burubg berkicau.
Singa meng aum.
Harimau meng aum.
Domba meng embik.
Bebek ber quek-quek.
Babi me ongrok.
Ular me desis.
Toke me nekk.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Menangkap Ikan

27 April 2007 yang lalu murid-murid kelas 3 pergi ke Taman Buah Mekarsari. Di situ kita menangkap ikan memakai tangan kita. seruloh!
Airanya klihatan seperti coklat basi di campur sama sampah. Waktu saya jala ki dalam air, kolam itu terdengar seperti suara ombak.

Ikannya beranang dengan cepat seperti tornado kecil. Bau kaolamnya seperti kaos kaki yang belum di cuci bertaun-taun! Walaupun demikian, pengalaman itu benar mengasikan. Aku juga senang sekali karena aku menakap seekor ikan.

The Cup-A-Phone

Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ - Image hosted by

When Grade 3 experimented the cup-a-phone I was partnered with Aditya as always. It was really Cool and exiting. We were a thinker because me and Aditya figured out how to get rid of the knot.
We also were a communicator because we talked about a lot of things using the cap-a-phone.I tried with Aditya so I'm up stairs and Aditya's down stairs and it worked!
But the sound is a little bit different it's like that it's mumbling. The sound is travelling by waves and we can't hear anything if the string is loose or a person hold the string.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

My Favorite Sport

Basket Ball is my favorite sports. I like it because I want to be taller. I also want to be strong.

My favorite team in Basket Ball is Nets. They play so good and they have good team work. My sister like Nets to!

My brother and sister like playing Basket Ball like me. Me and my sister practise every Wednesday. I love to pracitise Basket Ball.

5 Hal yang aku perlukan

1. Aku perlu Tuhan karena Tuhan yang membuat semua di dunia dan luar angkasa.
2. Aku perlu rumah karena aku perlu tempat untuk tinggal.
3. Aku perlu oxygen karena aku perlu napas.
4. Aku perlu air karena aku perlu minum.
5. Aku perlu makannan karena aku perlu makan.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


What things can pollute water?
Toxic waste, oil slick, poison, chemicals, ground water, acid rain, germs and dead fish.

What can you do to stop water pollution?
Recycle, not throwing to much rubbish, not throwing things every where and not burning rubbish.

taken from:

Instrument Planning


what I need:



Rubber ban



Sunday, May 6, 2007

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Create Your Own Countdown

Create Your Own Countdown

Create Your Own Countdown


At mekarsari I was fishing at the pond. The pond was very shallow. The fish swam rapidly like a train. The water was swirling like when my tummy swirls when I had a tummy ache.
When I had caught a fish it was hopping in my hand trying to escape like a crazy frog. When I was trying to get a fish I felt exited hoping to get a fish like playing a cool game hoping to win.
The fish felt like slimy goo that I touched.
The pond looked like a swimming pool that hadn't been cleaned for years! The pond smelled like rotten egg that was cracked!!
When I put the fish inside the bag it jiggled and wiggled inside the bag.
I had one fish and it wiggled inside the bag trying to break out of the bag just like a prisoner trying to break out from jail.

Get a scroller sign at

Monday, April 30, 2007

What Is Mud?

Mud is a liquid that mix with water and also soil, silt and clay. Dry mud will hardens and turn into siltstone or mud rock. Mud is almost the same like muck which has more sand. Mud is also ground that is wet.
Mud can also be dangerous and disastrous. For example : a car can be stuck in the mud if the mud become so stick because of mixture of rain floods or a mud volcano from a mountain eruption. Just now there was a mud explosion from underground in near Sidoarjo East Java.

In the ocean, natural ocean mud feeds and nourishes your hard or soft corals.


Friday, April 27, 2007

Mekarsari Reflection

At Mekarsari it was great but all of us have mud all over our body. I caught a fish but I throw it back to the pond because it would be dead anyway when I got home. Then I took a bath. The bull is a little bit naughty he went back to me and the water hit me. Then we planted a plant called Padi. The mud in the field to plant the plant is very muddy. I went out early and I saw the others having a mud fight. Everybody except me have mud all over their body including their hair. Then we had lunch. I ate rice and chicken. After that I painted a hat called Caping, it is a hat that farmer used to wear. Then we had a tour around the place, it was very big. Then we went back to shool.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Length HW

Kilo means 1000.
Kilometer means 1000 meter.

Meter is a way to measure length.
Meter came from the greek word metron and the french word metre.

Taken from:

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ - Image hosted by

In the 4th market day I was communicater because I communicate with the costumer. I also was a caring because I treated the costemer no roughly. But it was so crouded and Gaby is shouting at me. We have 4.120,35o, that's awsome. The pheonix egg is sold out, the batu air is sold out and cat's eye ball is 10 left!! This is so great.